Spores are left out in the cold.
Sale only to companies, tradesmen, freelancers and public institutions.

JATI SV Spore Destroyer

Mould spores are largely responsible for untreated mould being able to spread further indoors. Spores are therefore always present in infested rooms. What many people don’t know is that further spores can detach from the treated surfaces during the remediation and the concentration of spores in the air can increase significantly once again.

Whether a living room, industrial complex, commercial businesses or public facilities – JATI SV Spore Destroyer explicitly destroys mould spores in the ambient air. The effect is based on hydrogen peroxide and the additional stabilising property of organic fruit acids. The result: a spore that already meets its end in the air and cannot find a new beginning on surfaces.


Crystal clear thanks to fogging.

JATI SV Spore Destroyer is applied by means of fogging. Whether cold fogging in smaller rooms with a ceiling height of up to 4 m or hot fogging in high and large rooms, such as warehouses or stables – we recommend having the work performed by a remediation specialist in all cases.

Areas of application:

Spores run out of air, even in air ducts.

Homes, industrial complexes, commercial premises, public facilities, hard-to-reach areas (cavities, air ducts etc.)


Extremely economical, even in the case of a heavy infestation.

  • No chlorine, hypochlorite, alcohols, aldehydes, quaternary ammonium compounds
  • Reliable killing of spores within 2 hours, even with an intense concentration
  • Very economical (3 ml/m³ of ambient air) without loss of effect
  • Thorough ventilation afterwards is enough to make rooms usable again

Other special features:

JATI SV Spore Destroyer is the ideal complement to JATI SPE Mould Remover. The combination significantly reduces the risk of a recurrence of the mould infestation because all mould spores are consistently killed – on surfaces and in the air.


JATI SV Spore Destroyer is registered and recorded with the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) and the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) as a marketable biocidal product in the product categories 2 and 4.

Technical approval

Our products do not require technical approval because they are not regarded as building products. This is also confirmed by the German Institute for Building Technology.

Package sizes:

2,5 l (canister)
1000 ml (bottle)

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