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So that mould stays where it belongs: nowhere.
Sale only to companies, tradesmen, freelancers and public institutions.

We don’t know everything. But we know everything that you need to know.

Let’s face it. There are over 100,000 types of mould. We don’t even know every single one of them. What we do know is that some of them even prove beneficial. Penicillium, such as Penicillium roqueforti and Penicillium camemberti, has a self-explanatory name. It is used for the production of soft cheese.

Monascus purpureus contains molecoline that can be used to regulate blood lipid levels. However, the majority of the countless types of mould are harmful. They can spoil food, cause problems in buildings or even make them uninhabitable. This is motivation enough for us to have focused on the cause,

effects and successful battle against mould and spores for over 15 years. We have developed a deep understanding and expert knowledge of mould over time and we are happy to share this with you – so that you can be as relaxed about indoor mould as you are about outdoor mould in meadows.

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